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Recent Blogs:

Currency Formatting
Currency Formatting

Gathering Portals
Gathering Portals

Multiple Choice Picker
Multiple Choice Picker

Popups and Pickers
Popups and Pickers

Window Locking
Window Locking

Meta-consulting is a service Database Pros offers to help other developers over programming hurdles via GoToMeeting. Email John Mark Osborne or call John Mark at (909) 393-4664 to find out more about this service.

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Quick Tip:

Sliding Problems
If your object(s) are not sliding, start by checking to see if there is any object in the path of the object you want to slide. It is possible that your sliding object is bumping up against an object that is set not to slide or even touching another object. If your objects paths seem to be clear, try this technique: Duplicate your layout, select all the objects, and set them all to slide. If your layout previews correctly, you'll know the problem was that not all the objects were set to slide. Another thing you should know about sliding is that objects need to be vertically aligned to the top edge in order to slide through unused space. Unfortunately, container fields default to being aligned vertically to the center. Objects will slide in Headers, Footers, Title Headers and Title Footers but the part size will not be reduced. Lastly, Portals, Tab Control and Slide Control objects will slide but not in all scenarios. These objects were designed to be viewed on screen so will will not necessarily slide in all ways a field does.

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Fun Stuff:

Claris and FileMaker CEOs
Bill Campbell  1987 to 1995
Guerrino De Luca  1995 to 1997
Dominique Goupil  1997 to 2019
Brad Freitag  2019 to Present

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