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Gathering Portals
Multiple Choice Picker
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Document Management Videos
Quick Tip:
Switching Layouts When switching layouts via a script, it's a good idea to switch to find mode first. This will prevent the loading of any records on the new layout. This could be a serious speed issue in a remote connection scenario. If you are performing a find on the new layout then you're already in find mode (i.e. locating a specific record to change). If you need to add a record then perform a search on a field for something that will find no records so when you enter browse mode you have a found set of zero. |
Fireside FileMaker Podcast
Fun Stuff:
Dull Boy FileMaker files were stored in clear text prior to FileMaker 7 so, if you opened a FileMaker file in a text editor, you could see the phrase "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" in the header repeated over and over. No, it's not a virus! My understanding is the developers just needed to take up some space in the header and that's what they came up with. Today, modern FileMaker files are stored in Unicode so I'm not sure if the phrase is still there. |
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