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Meta-consulting is a service Database Pros offers to help other developers over programming hurdles via GoToMeeting. Email John Mark Osborne or call John Mark at (909) 393-4664 to find out more about this service.

FileMaker 20 Video Tutorials

Quick Tip:

Coffee Cup
Do you see the coffee cup cursor icon a lot? This icon shows up in place of the arrow pointer when the host is busy and cannot process a request from a guest. This is different than the squiggly line cursor, which indicates the guest is sending information to the host. Using FileMaker Server as a host will probably eliminate the coffee cup icon, since it is multithreaded and can handle multiple jobs at once. This is different than multitasking. FileMaker Server actually does a little of each job that is queued. For instance, if a guest sorts a million records to preview a report, this may take a while to process. If another guest follows this long process with a simple find, they may get the coffee cup with regular FileMaker Pro as the host, since it can only process one guest at a time. What FileMaker Pro Server does is work on each task for a short time. Since the find takes a lot less time to process, FileMaker Pro Server will take care of it in one cycle and the user will never know another guest is processing a much more complex request.

FileMaker 20 Video Tutorials

Fun Stuff:

David Knight (aka Speedy) started calling me JoMo years ago, because of my initials, and it kinda stuck. Over the years, it's evolved to the current Jaymo but you can call me anything as long as you are friendly. Other nicknames include Hoss, n2 and Wiz.

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